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Indian Journal of Orthopaedics Surgery
Year : 2015, Volume : 1, Issue : 4
First page : ( 211) Last page : ( 214)
Print ISSN : 2395-1354. Online ISSN : 2395-1362.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2395-1362.2015.00029.8

Role and Efficacy of TENS versus SWD in the management of periarthritis shoulder

Tiwari Mukesh, Professor, Khanna Vikram*Post Diploma DNB Resident, Maddhesia Gaurav, DNB Resident, Ghuse Ishan, DNB Resident

Department of Orthopaedics, National Institute of medical sciences, Jaipur

*Corresponding Author: E-mail: 86.khanna@gmail.com

Online published on 3 February, 2016.



Painful shoulder syndrome is also called periarthritis humeroscapularis or PHS syndrome. The shoulder is the most mobile joint, pain and reduced function may be seen because of different inflammatory and degenerative changes in soft tissues of the shoulder. It is most common musculoskeletal disorder after low back pain and cervical pain. Many approaches have been used in the treatment of periarthritis shoulder pain, including local heat, cryotherapy, transcutaneous eletrical nerve stimulation (TENS), short wave therapy (SWD), manipulation under anaethesia, acupuncture and exercise. The purpose of this study is to compare the effectiveness of TENS and SWD in decrease pain and improvement in function in Periarthritis shoulder.


A total of 40 patients coming in the year 2014 to the outpatient department with a confirmed diagnosis of periarthritis shoulder were included in this study. Two groups of 20 patients each were made. Group A: received SWD and Exercise therapy, whereas Group B received TENS and exercise therapy. Both the group of patients were assessed using the VAS scoring for pain and the Likert's scale for the functional outcome.


Pain improved significantly in both the groups with more pain relief seen in group B as compared to group A. The functionality which was calculated using the Likert's scale showed significant improvement in both the groups with slightly more increase in the functionality in group A as compared to group B.


The long term benefits are better achieved with the SWD as compared to the TENS whereas immediate pain relief is achieved with TENS much better than the SWD. Though this cannot be confirmed as firstly the sample size is very small and also a longer follow up may be required to assess long term functional outcome of both the treatment modalities.


This study concludes by accepting the alternate hypothesis that is application of TENS treatment along with exercise therapy will improve function and pain relief as compared to SWD therapy. Whereas long term functional result is better with SWD.


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