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Media Watch
Year : 2014, Volume : 5, Issue : 2
First page : ( 173) Last page : ( 184)
Print ISSN : 0976-0911. Online ISSN : 2249-8818.

Social Media and Documentary Cinema: the Arab Spring, the Wall Street Movement, Challenges and Implications for Documentary Filmmakers

Kohle Fritz*

Edinburgh University, UK

*Correspondence to: Fritz Kohle, Hermelijnstraat 14, 1417BT Breda, Netherlands. E-mail: fritz@fritzkohle.com

Online published on 12 September, 2016.


Used by millions on a daily basis Web 2 and social media have become part of our lives; Facebook arguably developed into the largest online group worldwide with some 800 million users-or one seventh of the world's population. (Facebook, 2011) This paper reviews social media and provides a general overview of the same from the perspective of an independent documentary filmmaker. The paper investigates use of social media during the Arab Spring and Wall Street Movement (Occupy, 2011) and compares social-with traditional media. Using the example of the documentary ‘God, Church, Pills & Condoms’ (F Kohle, A Cuevas, 2011) the tools social media offers are examined and their applications are discussed. Web 2 is the accumulative sum of print, radio, TV and film, offering an ever-increasing amount of content. What are the implications and challenges for Documentary filmmakers? How can documentary filmmakers explore the full potential of social media? Does social media really offer an alternative to traditional content commissioning, content development and distribution as well as fund raising? The paper concludes by examining future trends for social media and potential applications in documentary filmmaking.



Arab Spring, social media, Facebook, documentary cinema.


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