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Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management
Year : 2012, Volume : 2, Issue : 11
First page : ( 33) Last page : ( 41)
Print ISSN : 0000-0000. Online ISSN : 2249-7307.

Socio economic zone: A concept for sustainable economic development

Dr. Panda Rajesh*, Dr. Bhale Sanjay M.**

*Associate Professor and Deputy Director, SIBM, Symbiosis Knowledge Village, Pune.

**Professor, SIBM, Symbiosis Knowledge Village, Pune.

Online published on 3 November, 2012.


Growth and development has been topics of discussion both on national and international levels. Long term sustainable development doesn't happen by just focusing on service sector or the manufacturing industry. The growth has to be more inclusive. India has been striving to be a global hub as far as economic development by providing world class manufacturing facility and utilization of the resources is concerned; SEZ (Special Economic Zones) is one of its kind of the steps that have resulted in spurt of economic growth in India, but its implications on the poor is still debated. This research aims to suggest a more inclusive strategy for implementation of SEZs in Indian context.

This paper discusses the imperatives of Special Economic Zones on the business and the masses along with having a detailed discussion over relevant literature on contemporary issues of sustainable economic development aligning with findings. The research focuses to analyze the viability of SEZs in terms of “Sustainable economic development’, as it tries to propose a concept ScEZs; ‘Socio Economic Zones’ that will be more inclusive in nature for economic development and sustainability.



socio-economic zone, sustainable economic development, inclusive growth.


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