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Range Management and Agroforestry
Year : 2014, Volume : 35, Issue : 1
First page : ( 22) Last page : ( 26)
Print ISSN : 0971-2070. Online ISSN : 2249-5231.

Establishment techniques of sewan (Lasiurus sindicus Henr.) grass in hot arid ecosystem of Rajasthan

Sharma K.C.*

Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute, Arid Region Campus, Bikaner- 334 006 Rajasthan, India 

Present address: Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Regional Station, Old Sehore Road, Indore – 452 001, Madhya Pradesh, India

*Corresponding author e-mail: kc_64sharma@yahoo.com

Online published on 8 October, 2014.


The field experiment was laid out for two consecutive years during Kharif season of 2008 and 2009 at Bikaner, Rajasthan to find out the suitable and feasible technology for the establishment of sewan (Lasiurus sindicus Henr.) grass pastures and grasslands in hot arid ecosystem of Rajasthan. Results indicated that transplanting of nursery raised seedlings of sewan grass recorded maximum and significantly higher green fodder (12.23 and 13.56 t/ha), dry matter (4.52 and 5.10 t/ha) and crude protein (363.1 and 388.8 kg/ha) yields in both the years over all other methods of grass sowing or planting. The same treatment recorded highest values of energy ratio (8.86), energy productivity (492.1 g/MJ), net returns (Rs. 3558/ha) and B:C ratio (1.23). It was followed by soaked seed sowing method which recorded GFY 9.67 and 11.56 t/ha, DMY 3.58 and 4.35 t/ha, CPY 289.2 and 337.2 kg/ha in first and second years, respectively along with energy ratio (8.09), energy productivity (449.4 g/MJ), net returns (Rs. 2703/ha) and B:C ratio (1.20). Sowing of germinated seed and dry seed sowing in mud were found low productive and highly uneconomical for grass establishment. Though, net benefits recorded under pasture establishment may not be so attractive but looking to the difference in cost involved on establishment of perennial pastures in first year and decreased costs in subsequent years, makes it justified. Sewan grass sowing with seed pellet improved the soil fertility status especially organic carbon (%) and available N & K contents. Thus, for getting proper establishment, more productive, economical and energy efficient sewan grass pastures and grasslands, nursery raised seedling transplanting method should be adopted; whereas, in case of manpower crisis, soaked seed sowing method can be followed.



Economics, Energy relationships, Establishment techniques, Fodder yields, Hot-arid ecosystem Lasiurus sindicus, Range grass.


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