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International Journals of Marketing and Technology
Year : 2012, Volume : 2, Issue : 1
First page : ( 54) Last page : ( 67)
Online ISSN : 2248-1058.

Market access and agriculture suitability analysis using GIS technique: A case study on Morobe province, Papua New Guinea

Samanta Sailesh, Pal Babita, Pal Dilip Kumar, Antonio Wycliffe

Department of Surveying and Land Studies, PNG University of Technology, Private Mail Bag, Lae- 411, Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea

Online published on 29 June, 2013.


This study used an empirical methodology for analysis and mapping of the crop suitability and market accessibility using GIS techniques. This paper examines statistical approaches for interpolating market related data over large regions, providing different interpolation techniques for market access variables used in agricultural research. Tension method of Spline interpolation process was evaluated to distribute different variables related to market accessibility for total land area of Morobe province, Papua New Guinea. Different independent market access variables like village points, minor market, major market, capital market, telecommunication, airstrip and airports, major road network and major wharfs were used for the interpolation process. Suitable market access zones were modeled using each independent market access variable. The accessible area was coded as 1 and rest area as 2 for each case. Overlay operation (intersection and union) was performed to find out the suitable market access zones using previously modeled seven types of market accessibility results. District level market accessibility analyses were done for nine districts of Morobe province to find out the status of each district in relation to the market accessibility. On the other hand climate, soil and slope of the area were used to find out suitable zone for agriculture process. Finally suitable agriculture zone map was overlaid on the market accessibility map for better understanding.



GIS, spatial modeling, spatial analysis, agriculture suitability, market access.


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