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Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing
Year : 2021, Volume : 35, Issue : 1
First page : ( 55) Last page : ( 73)
Print ISSN : 0971-8664. Online ISSN : 2456-8716.

A theoretical explanation for variations in the money value of ntfp and it's purchasing power under different market conditions: With reference to farhabad tiger reserve, Telengana state

Rao B. Nageswara1

1School of Economic, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad

Online published on 22 June, 2021.


In recent days several studies evidence and studied on commercialization of NTFP production, liberalization of NTFP marketing and sustainable management of NTFP and so on. It is true that the Open Market Exchange of NTFP may get better price compared to Regulated Price Market like Government Agencies like GCC which procure NTFP in the tribal areas in AP and TS. This is not enough to understand the better marketing options for the tribal economy. The regulated price market is not able to provide good price to the NTFP, but this is not enough to judge which is better. One should understand the distinction between the nature and functioning of tribal market and non-tribal markets. One fact is that the open market invite the competition among buyers and sellers but it may not be perfect competitive market and work for surplus, orgnised in nature and more informative. The tribal economy function with certain principles like self-sufficient mode, traditional methods, subsistence nature and collective participation with unorganized structure. The Open Market Exchange appears like better and can provide more benefits to NTFP sellers, but without the institutional support like PDS and MSP, it would not be possible. If the NTFP market transform from Regulated Price conditions to open price or open market conditions, the negative effects will be more than the positive effects. This study presents a theoretical explanation with an empirical evidence about the reasons for variations in the money value of NTFP under different marketing conditions and also suitability to the tribal economy. It is a case study from Farhabad Tiger Reserve/Wildlife Sanctuary from Telengana State.


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