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Advances in Life Sciences
Year : 2016, Volume : 5, Issue : 7
First page : ( 2492) Last page : ( 2500)
Print ISSN : 2278-3849. Online ISSN : 2278-4705.

Pharmaceutical and Nutritional Value of Honey and Their Xenobiotics

Singh A. K.1, Jaiswal Deepak Kumar2,*, Thakur R. K.3, Singh H. K.4

1AICRP (Honey Bees & Pollinators) SASRD, Nagaland University

2Department of Entomology and Agril. Zoology, IAS, BHU

3AICRP (Honey Bees & Pollinators), Division of Entomology, IARI, New Delhi

4Department of Entomology, SASRD, Nagaland University

*email: deeraj3024@gmail.com

Online published on 15 December, 2016.


Honey shows great promises as nutritive food and medicine and therefore, it has been used for nutritional food, therapeutic and consecrated also by mankind since time immemorial, so it has been considered as a pharmaceutical and nutritional agent. The nutritional profiles; its use for infant and children feeding health indices and biomarkers are well illustrated in literatures. The medicinal profile; enhance immune system, metabolic process, blood profile, whereas it reduces the wound healing period, ulcer, and many more. Honey is exposed to contamination by xenobiotics (antibiotics, pesticides and other toxic compounds). For pest management, application of pesticide and their slow dissipation and long persistence lead to bioaccumulation and biomagnifications in ecosystem as well as honey. Pesticides application during blooming stage is injudicious and, if it is essential, should at least be applied after cessation of bee foraging. Farmers have so many options for pest control whereas bees have only one option; nectar and pollen for their survival. The xenobiotics contamination can be minimized at MRL by adopting apiculture and judicious use of biorational chemical for pest management under IPM modules.



Honey, Pharmaceutical, Nutritional, Xenobiotics.


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