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International Journals of Marketing and Technology
Year : 2011, Volume : 1, Issue : 5
First page : ( 24) Last page : ( 51)
Online ISSN : 2248-1058.

The enigma of group cohesion: An empirical study with reference to automobile industry

Dr. Jayashree V.

Partner and Technical Head, Deepthys Group of Institutions

Online published on 29 June, 2013.


In the context of a dynamic environment, organizations of today have recognized that in order to gain a competitive advantage, training must encompass a broader focus than just basic skills development. The modern day organizations are thus equipping their staff with the necessary skills and competencies that would enhance their abilities to perform as a cohesive group. Individuals are thereby trained in the fundamental concept of self-awareness which will pave the way for developing and improving their social skills. Individuals who become aware of their strengths and weaknesses would work on correcting those behaviours that would impact and impede their nature and attitude. A changed behaviour would then go on to improve their inter-personal relations thereby promoting cohesive groups in the organization. This research paper aims to study and identify the dimensions that contribute to the interpersonal relations and group cohesion of the management staff of the Automobile Industry in Chennai. Hypothesis testing was done by applying appropriate statistical tools such as Factor Analysis, Correlation Co-efficient Analysis and Step-wise Regression Analysis. Key findings identified select attitudinal and behavioural aspects as significant in contributing to group cohesion. The findings from this study would thus help the top management to work on those aspects that would promote and enhance the social skills and correct those aspects that would hinder them.



Respondents’ Openness, High Self-esteem, Low Self-esteem, Social Influences. Conditions of mind, Negative Approach, Self-concept.



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