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Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
Year : 2014, Volume : 4, Issue : 5
First page : ( 11) Last page : ( 17)
Online ISSN : 2249-7315.

Integrity and Image of the Police Officials: A Sociological Perspective of Police Organisation

Buttola Sandeep

Assistant Professor, Panjab University Constituent College, Punjab, India

Online published on 7 May, 2014.


Police organisation is one of cornerstones of the society. Without police organisation we can't imagine the existence of the society. Although there are many organisations and agencies which provides safety and security to each and every citizen but police organisation has its importance in the particular segment of the society. Police organisation is mainly concerned to maintained the social order. Being a vital part of the social structure, police officials are perceived as crime fighter and saviour by the people. Police officials image desired to be the good, which includes the quality of integrity.Integrity maintained the image of the police officials in a particular society. The police in has been under considerable criticism from various sections of society. Reports in newspapers and journals add up to indicate that there is pehaps no crime which the police has not committed. The upholders of law and order appear to be its worst violator. Present paper focus on police integrity is an issue in the image formation and cause of tainted image of the police officials. Further author has suggested remedial steps for enhancement of police integrity.



Police, Integrity, Image, Society.



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