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SKUAST Journal of Research
Year : 2023, Volume : 25, Issue : 3
First page : ( 387) Last page : ( 395)
Print ISSN : 0972-1126. Online ISSN : 2349-297X.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2349-297X.2023.00044.2

Role of agroforestry in climate change mitigation and adaptation through carbon sequestration: A review

Akhter Amreena1, Bhat G.M.1,*, Pala N.A.1, Jan Humaira2

1Faculty of Forestry, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, BenhamaGanderbal, Jammu and Kashmir, 191 201, India

2Faculty of Agriculture, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Wadura, Sopore, Jammu and Kashmir, 193201, India

*e-mail: bhatm67@gmail.com

Online published on 30 September, 2023.


The rising demand on the world's natural resources brought on by economic and demographic pressure has resulted in an unsustainable usage of resources and environmental instability. This shifting character of the world climate has generated lot of environmental difficulties. This harmful impact on the global ecosystem necessitates urgent attention. The management of carbon is a serious issue that faces the globe today. Concerning this issue, a number of summits have been organised. The current level of carbon in the atmosphere is about 416 ppm. It is estimated that if the carbon increases in the atmosphere at the present rate and no constructive efforts are pursued to lessen the same, the level of carbon in the atmosphere would go upto 800-1000 ppm by the end of year 2100 which may create havoc for all living creatures on earth. In the overall strategy and planning for the country's balanced development, the issues relating to environmental management have received the necessary attention. The conservation and improvement of the environment, as well as the preservation of forests and wildlife, are mandated by Article 48 A of the Constitution under Part IV-Directive Principles of State Policy. Through carbon absorption, agroforestry is crucial in lowering greenhouse gas emissions relative to atmospheric CO2. Following its inclusion in the Kyoto Protocol as a method for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, agroforestry has gained attention for its potential to sequester carbon. Because it enhances microclimate, guards against soil erosion, boosts soil fertility, lowers carbon emissions, and increases carbon absorption, agroforestry can play a noteworthy part in the adaptation to climate change. Hence Agroforestry systems are highly recommended as solution to environmental problem and to promote the mitigation and adaptation synergy in addressing climate change.



Agroforestry, Carbon sequestration, Climate change, Environment, Role, Sustainability.


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