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Power Engineer Journal
Year : 2021, Volume : 23, Issue : 2
First page : ( 7) Last page : ( 14)
Print ISSN : 2229-4465. Online ISSN : 0976-2396.

Approach and Experience of IoT Based Predictive Maintenance Technologies in Power Distribution Network

Sharma H.C.1, Gupta Y. K.1, Atri S.K.1, Singhal P.K.1, Bhanage R.M.1, Dixit V. K.1, Basu A.1

1Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited

Online Published on 05 February, 2022.


In this paper we discussed our experiences of adoption of IoT devises for condition monitoring of equipment and various methodology adopted for health and life assessment of equipment. We used modern scientific and technological tools which provide accurate measurement on the condition of the equipment like power transformers and circuit breakers. The need of the new technological tools used are based on the idea of operating the equipment till the end of its useful life, over and above its design life. This paves way for the performance based management of the asset. Assessment of the condition of the equipment requires adoption of non-destructive techniques and procedures. The results of the tests performed on the equipment were compared against the manufacturer standards and plotted against the tripping data developed over the years in the company database. The results were interpreted to match the fault data and fault levels of grid stations recorded in the recent past. Using the available knowledge and in conjunction with structured process of data collation and interpretation, the thresholds associated with the features representing the condition of the CB and Power Transformers were determined. The knowledge and understanding of the satisfactory and unsatisfactory condition of the equipment was gained and made explicit from the analysis of remote monitoring of circuit breakers, Infrared Thermography, use of manual ultrasound detection technique, trend data of DGA results for past 3 years, DCRM signatures and trip coil signatures. The paper further demonstrates complete framework related to market availability, deployment and operational experience of IoT based predictive maintenance architecture for switchgear and cable termination. The subject paper present risk model based using a data driven analytics from IT/OT deployed system per se ADMS, SAP and FMEA.

Considering all such parameters critical assets are being identified for application of IoT based predictive model on identified assets. The adopted IoT system aggregate data inputs from installed IED on switchgear and sensors and analyse entire parameter related to electrical, thermal, mechanical & environmental stress related to switchgear and cable termination failure. The design system generates prediction based on data analytics & instantly communicates failure predictions to user for corrective actions. The evolution of various maintenance philosophies are explained in this paper as a case study at TATA POWER-DDL.



IoT, Monitoring, Life, Equipment, Technology, Thermography, DGA, DCRM, Circuit Breaker, Power, Non-destrictive, Ultrasound, Infrared.


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