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Journal International Association on Electricity Generation, Transmission and Distribution
Year : 2018, Volume : 31, Issue : 2
First page : ( 9) Last page : ( 13)
Print ISSN : 2250-012X. Online ISSN : 2229-4449.

Case study of renovation, modernisation and uprating of hydro generator by 30% in rated output

Chandrakar D.K., Janardhanan Jayesh, Chavan Surendra

Hydro Generator Engineering Division, BHEL, Bhopal

Online published on 20 April, 2019.


The ageing of hydro generator components is happening due to rigorous and continuous working throughout its life. Residual life assessment studies are conducted for assessment of condition of major parts and residual life of active parts. Moreover, such generators are to be renovated, and modernized before end of useful life. R & M will increase the life expectancy and uprating will improve the overall machine operation.


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