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International Journal of Scientific Research in Network Security and Communication
Year : 2018, Volume : 6, Issue : 2
First page : ( 5) Last page : ( 10)
Print ISSN : 2321-3256.

Cloud Forensics: An Overall Research Perspective

Patidar M.1, Bansal P.2

1Department of Information Technology, Institute of Engineering & Technology, DAVV, Indore, India

2Department of Information Technology, Institute of Engineering & Technology, DAVV, Indore, India

Online published on 6 September, 2019.


We are aware that Cloud Computing evolves as a transformative and potentially helpful field for future generations on account of its several economic benefits in every domain including commercial, public, governmental, organizational etc. However on account of increase in the digital crimes and a number of security threats over the cloud environment, works related with investigations over the cloud, recovering of evidence and systematic forensics methodologies need to be focused upon. Cloud Forensics is a relevant field that works on all of these issues. This paper gives an overall research perspective of Cloud Forensics including its overview, need, process, challenges, logging measures and forensic tools. With the help of certain forensic tools, cloud investigation processes have been eased. On the other hand, there are certain challenges encountered in the cloud forensics domain. The paper also gives an insight regarding the broad future scope and areas associated with the Cloud Forensics area.



Digital Forensics, Cloud Computing, Security, Cloud Forensics, Logs, Digital Investigation.


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