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Year : 2021, Volume : 8, Issue : 2
First page : ( 69) Last page : ( 78)
Print ISSN : 2348-7437. Online ISSN : 2454-9533. Published online : 2021 December 09.
Article DOI : 10.30954/2348-7437.2.2021.3

Data Mining and Warehousing-A view & Case Study

Shemsudheen Mohmmed Ashraff, Moosafintavida Shanavas*

Azteca University, Mexico, North America

*Corresponding author: shanavas.musafi@gmail.com

Online Published on 09 September, 2022.

Received:  10  ,  2021; :  23  November,  2021; Accepted:  05  December,  2021.


The aim of this paper is to show how important data warehouses and data mining are. It also aims to demonstrate the data mining process and how it can assist decision-makers in making informed decisions. A literature review on data mining and data warehousing formed the basis of this paper. The models were created using information gleaned from a literature review and a real-world application. The phases of data mining methods, which are illustrated by the established model, and the relevance of data warehousing and data mining are the most significant findings. It can assist in obtaining clearer responses, allowing both technical and non-technical users to make even more informed decisions. In practice, data warehousing and data mining are extremely beneficial to any company with a large volume of data. Standard (operational) databases may benefit from data warehousing and data mining. Because of the right decisions taken with the aid of data mining, they also help to save millions of dollars and raise profit. This paper explains how data mining works and how it can be used by any company to help users get better answers from massive amounts of data. It demonstrates a different method of querying data. Instead of performing standard database queries, data mining goes a step further by collecting more valuable data.



Component, Data Mining, Data Warehousing, Operational Database.


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