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ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Year : 2015, Volume : 5, Issue : 12
First page : ( 17) Last page : ( 23)
Online ISSN : 2231-5780.

Building quality education in India - a review and conceptual model

Dr Japee Gurudutta P

Faculty Member, Gujarat Commerce College, Ahmedabad

Online published on 22 January, 2016.


According to All Ranking World University Report India is nowhere in first 200 Universities. After Independence the focus was on Quantitative expansion. Our Universities have become teaching institutions. Higher education has become further education, Research and Innovation are secondary in importance. Paradigm shift is needed because university is a place to produce elites.it is a place where students are trained to think originally, creatively and critically, University promotes research: University is the mother of Knowledge society. Those nations remain backward if their universities do not encourage research and innovative culture.



Parameters, Japee Model, SHEC, Knowledge, Universities.


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