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JIMS8I - International Journal of Information Communication and Computing Technology
Year : 2014, Volume : 2, Issue : 1
First page : ( 53) Last page : ( 60)
Online ISSN : 2347-7202.

Data warehouse requirements engineering

Dr. Kumar Vinay1, Thareja Reema2

1Guide, Department of IT, VIPS, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi. Email: vinay5861@gmail.com

2Research Scholar, Department of Computer Science, SPM College, Delhi University, Delhi. Email: reema_thareja@yahoo.com

Online published on 22 June, 2017.


Data warehousing projects are failing at an alarming rate because of poorly defined objectives, incorrect assumptions, inadequate planning and a wide gap between user's expectations and the final product. This ultimately results in wastage of time, money and effort spent on the project. Most of these factors are a result of inadequate requirements engineering activities. Since data warehouse is a large database with an absolutely different scope of usage, the information requirements analysis for such systems is entirely different from that of traditional databases. This became evident while implementing National Population Register (NPR) project. Therefore, we have proposed a requirements engineering framework which supports a combination of incremental and iterative development of data warehouse project. The framework will help the development team to develop a set of complete and verifiable requirements.



Requirements Management, Requirements Engineering, Verifiable Requirements, Data Warehouse Framework, NPR.


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