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Journal International Association on Electricity Generation, Transmission and Distribution
Year : 2017, Volume : 30, Issue : 1
First page : ( 8) Last page : ( 15)
Print ISSN : 2250-012X. Online ISSN : 2229-4449.

Smart Grid Deployment in Cesc Transmission and Distribution System

Sen Santanu

CESC Limited

Online published on 6 January, 2017.


“Smart Grid” is being talked about around the world now a days. Definition of Smart Grid is ever changing. Smart Grid has a huge range of areas where electric utility can participate. The basic requirement is to provide electricity with enhanced efficiency, low waste, low cost, low impact on environment pollution, involving consumers in the process for better world of the future generations with enhanced life of the earth. Conversion of conventional utility to a Smart Grid compliance is a journey which requires Efficiency on Strategy, Management, Regulator's & Consumers participation, Grid Operations, Work & Asset Management, Value Chain integration, Technology, Social & Environment etc.

CESC Limited is the oldest Electricity Utility in India. City of Kolkata was powered with Electricity after New York and London. CESC is transforming from a Technology Company to Service Company, where Customer centricity is at the focal point. The century old company has many legacy systems in both technology and HR front. Smart Grid migration would be harder than the Utilities which are much younger than us with green field projects. Over the years, we have implemented many high end projects to cater to the basic requirement of our customers, i.e., uninterrupted quality power supply. Modernisation of the Grid has been the priority. SCADA & Automation has yielded good results through robust optical fibre based communication system. AMR of DTs & HT consumers have yielded a localised OMS. Our in-house IT expertise has developed many customer centric applications including mobile apps and internet based services. There is major thrust area is to reduce AT&C loss through application of technologies. The OT applications have applied with basic security features. We are in the process of IT & OT convergence. Smart Grid feasibility study has been completed by US based consultant with SGMM survey. We have plan to deploy smart meter with AMI system. We are working on digital engagement of consumer programme. As a part of DR/DSM programme we are in the process of carrying out pilot projects on DELP, utilisation of captive DG sets of Consumers, control of consumer loads etc. through various eminent vendors. Smart Grid control centre is being considered as our next project which will be implemented very soon in which we are going to include GIS centric workflow/LT OMS/asset management/FFM/network planning, energy audit etc.



SGMMSmart Grid Maturity Model, DSM/DRDemand Side Management/Demand Response, AMIAdvanced Metering Infrastructure, OTOperational Technology, OMSOutage Management System, GISGeographical Information System, DELPDomestic Efficient Lighting Programme.


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