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International Journal of Information Science and Computing
Year : 2016, Volume : 3, Issue : 1
First page : ( 9) Last page : ( 19)
Print ISSN : 2348-7437. Online ISSN : 2454-9533.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2454-9533.2016.00002.8

Research Paper on Media Responsibility in Nation Development

Srivastava Manish Kumar1, Sharma Gunjan2,*

1Research Supervisor, Mewar University, Chittorgarh, Rajasthan, India

2Research Scholar, Mewar University, Chittorgarh, Rajasthan, India

*Corresponding author: sijmc.gunjansharma@gmail.com

Online published on 17 November, 2016.


The media, with specific reference to the collective entity of newspapers, radio, television and the International Network (Internet), play a very important role in development. It involves changes or advancement in a nation aimed at improving the political, economic and social lives of the people. The real influence of the media in development will depend on the media themselves, the societies in which they operate, and the audience they reach. None of these factors are the same everywhere, at all times, or under all conditions. The media in dictatorships, for example, media is not likely to exercise the same influence as it has to work in social development and do media complete its responsibility in nation development. This paper focuses on the role of media in nation development. The paper mentioned the role of media in development of society is depend upon their independence, freedom, and the ability to effectively communicate objective, balanced, fair and professional information to both government and the general public. There is no doubt that the topic is very wide, therefore analysis will be limited to conventional media: newspapers, radio, television and the Internet. The paper involves a comparative analysis of media contents, methods or styles of presentation, and the environment in which the media operate.

The specific objectives are to:

  • Examine the role of media in social development.

  • Determine the extent to which the media impact on Human development.

  • Examine the functions of the media in nation-building.

  • Evaluate the ways in which the media influence events in society.

The media is a tool for shaping public opinion; promoting democracy and good governance, influencing behavior; facilitating nation-building; and promoting policies that guarantee high quality of life. The media, as vanguard for political, economic and social development, represent a functional organism that carries out a specific role in society. The role of media can be optimized or enhanced under certain conditions. Firstly, for the media to play any meaningful role in national development, they must be free and independent. Media freedom is a core ingredient both in theoretical conceptions of democracy and in the empirical measurement of it. Free press is one of the built-in mechanisms in democracy, designed to oppose destructive and divisive attitudes. Secondly, to succeed in their role, the media must be professional and objective. Factors, such as media bias, sensationalism, propaganda and distortions, negatively affect the contribution of the media in national development. Freedom of the media must therefore go along with responsibility. Thirdly, control of the media by a few individuals, corporations or governments is inimical to the media's ability to effectively carry out their role. Fourthly, for the media to succeed in their role, complementary institutions, such as the judiciary and media councils, must reinforce their activities.

At the end to conclude we can say that the media's crucial role in Human, social and national development is not in doubt. The media set the public agenda and act as the gatekeeper of public issues. They perform the watchdog role especially in political transparency and fight against corruption. As the fourth estate, the media provide the checks and balances in relation to the three branches of government, as created by the Constitution. The media must however play their role in national development in an environment that is free and independent, with fair ownership spread. Biases, sensationalism, propaganda, and media vices are inimical to media role in national development.



Constitution, Media, development, environment, political, economic, social lives.


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