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Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology
Year : 2010, Volume : 10, Issue : 1
First page : ( 9) Last page : ( 17)
Print ISSN : 0972-2963.

Effect of Post-Hatch Feed Deprivation on Growth, Immune Organ Development and Immune Competence in Broiler Chickens

Panda A.K.*, Raju M.V.L.N., Rao S.V. Rama, Sunder G. Shyam, Reddy M.R.

Project Directorate on Poultry, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500 030, India.

*Reprint request: Dr. A.K. Panda, E-mail: akpanda59@rediffmail.com

Received:  19  May,  2008.


The effect of post hatch feed deprivation on growth, immune organ development and immune competence was studied in broiler chickens. A total of 240 broiler chicks hatched with in a period of 8h were transported to the rearing site with in 30 minutes of hatch. The body weight of chicks (41.33±0.24 g) were measured individually and randomly distributed into 4 groups of 60 chicks each with 6 replicates in each group. The treatments included accessed to feed at 0, 12, 24 and 48h post hatching. All the chicks were reared in battery brooder cages under uniform managemental conditions. The body weight gain during 0-7, 0-21 and 0-42 d were significantly lower in the chicks those were deprived of for 48h of hatch compared to the other groups. Feed conversion ratio and mortality was not affected by the duration of post hatch feed deprivation. The development of both bursa and spleen, and cell mediated (LPR) and humoral (SRBC and ND tires) immune responses were affected due to feed deprivation during initial 24h of hatch. Feed deprivation for more duration i.e. 48h after hatch further reduced the immune response. The findings of the present study thus suggested that feed deprivation for 48h after hatch had negative effect on growth; however, feed deprivation for 24h had adverse effect on development of immune system as well as immune competence in broilers.



Post-hatch feed deprivation, Growth, Immune organ development, Immune competence, Broiler chickens.


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