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Motifs : A Peer Reviewed International Journal of English Studies
Year : 2021, Volume : 7, Issue : SI
First page : ( 1) Last page : ( 14)
Print ISSN : 2454-1745. Online ISSN : 2454-1753.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2454-1753.2021.00017.9

Law, Language, and Culture: Interrelationship, and Inseparability

Prof.(Dr.) Prasannanshu

Professor, National Law University, Delhi, India, E-mail: prasannanshu@gmail.com

Online Published on 19 January, 2022.


Law, language, and Culture are three ubiquitous realities of Human Life that surround and immerse us all the while. The Human consciousness and thoughts are almost exclusively connected by a bridge of language. As we move to the level of society, culture is perhaps the most defining, and characteristic of its features. Culture is very often seen as a way of life. This means the way people spend, or live their lives is culture, and this uniformity of varying degrees in a society is achieved by a set of explicit and implicit norms. These norms may be communicated via folklores, folk songs, and folk literatures by the ideals set by the mythological, religious, or cultural heroes and leaders. These ideals are propagated by the contemporary gurus, leaders, and other influential people. Culture must stand the test of time, any tradition that is harmful, or against the survival of the society has to be discarded at some point, or else the society and the culture would in risk extinction. Law is a set of norms that evolves out of the culture, works in the matrix of culture, and in turn shapes the culture. Laws can function only when they are acceptable to a society according to its notions of right and wrong. Otherwise, any amount of positive legislation will remain very difficult to implement and ultimately ineffective. This paper has tried to outline the relationship between law, Language, and Culture, and how and why the three should be seen as inseparable.



Culture, Culture, Language, Language, Law, Positive law, Society.


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