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Agricultural Engineering Today
Year : 2000, Volume : 24, Issue : 3
First page : ( 1) Last page : ( 6)
Print ISSN : 0970-2962.

Status of agro-based briquetting industry in Punjab

Sidhu Gagandeep K., Asstt. Research Engineer, Sharma S.R., Asstt. Professor, Singh A.K., Asstt. Research Engineer, Sehgal V.K., Sr. Research Engineer-cum-Head

Deptt. of Processing and Agricultural Structures, PAU, Ludhiana.


A study was conducted on the briquetting plants in Punjab with a view to identifying the problems associated with production, marketing and utilization of agro-based briquettes. The high pressure technique i.e. binderless technology was used in making briquettes from saw dust alone or from the mixture of saw dust and other crop residues. It was observed that the presence of dust and sand in the raw material caused some wear and tear which could be restricted by installing a proper cleaning.System and using best quality material for the fabrication of machinery. Briquettes were found to be a good substitute for coal. Briquetting of agro-waste is technically feasible and economically viable. Marketing problems were experienced by industry owner as the payment system of the industrialists using these briquettes was not prompt.



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