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World Digital Libraries- An International Journal
Year : 2012, Volume : 5, Issue : 2
First page : ( 1) Last page : ( 20)
Print ISSN : 0974-567X. Online ISSN : 0975-7597.

Content evaluation of indian institutes of Technology library Websites in India

Dr Madhusudhan Margam

Assistant Professor, Department of Library and Information Science, University of Delhi, Delhi. Email: mmadhu@libinfosci.du.ac.in

Online published on 25 November, 2013.


This study evaluates the content features of select library websites of Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) in India and uses a mixed-method approach that combines both quantitative and qualitative analyses of IIT library websites evaluation with the help of a specially designed checklist.

The various content features of the websites of twelve IIT libraries (IIT Kharagpur, IIT Bombay, IIT Madras, IIT Delhi, IIT Guwahati, IIT Roorkee, IIT Ropar, IIT Hyderabad, IIT Gandhinagar, IIT Rajasthan, IIT Indore, and IIT BHU) are evaluated. A structured checklist was designed keeping in view of the stated objectives and available literature. The qualitative part of the checklist contains 11 features pertaining to homepage of the IIT libraries websites, which serve as a recording device for descriptive data. The quantitative part of checklist contains 90 dichotomous questions relating to content features. A quantitative five-point rating scale was implemented to provide a meaningful numerical rating for each individual feature of the IIT library websites and rank them based on the features.

The study has revealed that the websites are lagging behind in exploiting the full potential of web/library 2.0 features. Findings show that many of the study IIT library websites in India are ranked above average mainly providing general information of the library and their services and resources. The highest scored study IIT library website is IIT Madras with 78.88 per cent (71/of 90) and least scored study website is IIT- Gandhinagar with 33.33 per cent (30/90).

The findings of the study will not only guide the studied libraries to improve their web-based services, particularly, Web2.0-based features, but also provide a model for newly established IIT libraries in India. These findings open the door for librarians of studied IIT libraries to explore the possibilities of communication, promotion, text responses, and catalogue access via mobile technology with the help of library websites.



Library Websites, Evaluation, IIT libraries, India.


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