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Power Engineer Journal
Year : 2021, Volume : 23, Issue : 2
First page : ( 4) Last page : ( 6)
Print ISSN : 2229-4465. Online ISSN : 0976-2396.

Gas Turbine Starting System

Balavivekanandan C1, Fatimajabeen A S2, Sekhar G V Chandra3

1Sr Manager at TATA Consulting Engineers Ltd.

2Deputy General Manager at TATA Consulting Engineers Ltd.

3General Manager & Team Lead (Electrical) at TATA Consulting Engineers Ltd.

Online Published on 05 February, 2022.


Gas turbine power plants are quick start plants i.e., it can be started in a short duration and with short notice. Due to this feature of gas turbines, they are widely used for black start applications as well. This paper presents an overview of the starting systems widely used for starting of heavy duty gas turbines in power generation application along with its configurations. Also, paper illustrates a case study wherein a unique method of gas turbine starting was applied in recent executed power plant project.


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