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Medicinal Plants - International Journal of Phytomedicines and Related Industries
Year : 2022, Volume : 14, Issue : 2
First page : ( 183) Last page : ( 188)
Print ISSN : 0975-4261. Online ISSN : 0975-6892.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0975-6892.2022.00021.1

Swami Ramdev: An International Prominent Human Figure for Promoting Yoga and Herbals Use in the World

Kumar Ashwani, Arya Vedpriya*, Rana Anamika

Patanjali Herbal Research Department, Patanjali Research Institute, Haridwar-249405, Uttarakhand, India

*Corresponding author e-mail: vedpriya.arya@prft.in

Online published on 20 June, 2022.


Yoga is a multimodal practice that strengthens muscles, improves balance, and promotes flexibility. It has long been used against hypertension, obesity, anxiety, insomnia, aging, and other ailments. Several yog gurus have promoted the yoga legacy, but it has gained worldwide social popularity after the initiation of Swami Ramdev. Swami Ramdev is a spiritual leader best recognized for popularizing yoga and Ayurveda throughout India and the world. He had vowed to become a “Sanyasi” since childhood and achieved his goal with dedication, self-discipline and meditation. Initially, he began teaching yoga at Gurukuls but later laid the foundations for yoga and the herbal empire with his intellectual partner Acharya Balkrishna, a renowned Ayurvedacharya. He established The Divya Yog Mandir Trust in 1995, followed by Patanjali Yogpeeth in Haridwar, India to promote yoga and Ayurveda. These foundations have significantly expanded yoga, spiritualism, and Ayurveda research and treatment centers, including the world's largest residential naturopathy facility at Haridwar. Swami Ramdev is known for his significant contributions to yoga and Ayurveda by saving millions of people's life suffering from fatal diseases. Many individuals usually benefit daily from his live programming of yoga and herbal medication on television channels. As a research visionary, during the COVID-19 pandemic along with infrastructure and monetary assistance, his team developed an anti-SARS-CoV-2 remedy, Coronil, which was quite effective and popular among society. Yoga has the potential to improve public health, it is safe, inexpensive, and promotes self-sufficiency. Subsequently, Ayurveda provides comprehensive insights into the treatment and management of various illnesses.



Ayurveda, yoga, Yug purush, Sanyasi, Patanjali Yogpeeth.


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