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Journal of Progressive Agriculture
Year : 2021, Volume : 12, Issue : 2
First page : ( 1) Last page : ( 12)
Print ISSN : 2229-4244. Online ISSN : 2278-0556.

Effect of a novel ayurvedic preparation, Raj Nirvan Bati (RNB), on symptomatic patients of Covid-19

Prof. (Dr.) Kumar Raj

Vice Chancellor's Office, Admin Block, Uttar Pradesh University of Medical Sciences, Saifai, EtawahUttar Pradesh, India (Pin-Code-206130). Mobile No. +91-9415181190, Email: vcoffice@upums.ac.in

Online Published on 29 January, 2022.


Pneumonia of unknown etiology originated in China during the last few days of the year 2019 has created huge pressure on the current health system of the world. The situation of COVID-19 is worsening day by day and we cannot wait for a vaccine or herd immunity to develop. Aim and Objectives: Many Ayurvedic treatments have been proven to fight against many viruses and also play a role in boosting the immunity of the human body. So, there is a need for a pilot study of the indigenous drug system to assess various other aspects of further larger studies. Methodology: A pilot study on novel ayurvedic drug,Raj Nirvan Bati (RNB), was conducted on a sample of 20 patients which was given in a fix dosage (125 milligrams per dosage) twice daily with 5 ml of natural honey. Results: After 5 days of RNB therapy 80.0% cases RT-PCR for nasopharyngeal and throat swab became negative. Out of these 16 cases, one patient RT-PCR became positive on Day 10. RNB therapy was given continuously in this case beyond 10 Day (total for 12 days) and RT-PCR become negative on the 12th day. Conclusion: Drug RNB showed reduced viral shedding duration, that can become a tool for prevention and management for COVID-19 infection. In most of the cases, symptoms of fever, cough and fatigue subsided on fifth day of treatment. Further randomized controlled trials should be planned to test the hypothesis regarding effectiveness of this novel formulation.



COVID-19, Raj Nirvan Bati (RNB), RT-PCR, Viral shedding, Treatment.


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