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Journal International Association on Electricity Generation, Transmission and Distribution
Year : 2019, Volume : 32, Issue : 2
First page : ( 3) Last page : ( 7)
Print ISSN : 2250-012X. Online ISSN : 2229-4449.

A study on transmission level voltage profile of NER Grid & Practices of Controlling it with Existing Resources

Suresh V., Kaikhochin V., Borkataki P., Sarma R.

Power System Operation Corporation Ltd. (POSOCO), India

Online published on 6 February, 2020.


One of the key concerns of the system operators is to maintain the system voltage within safe limit as the transmission network security is closely associated with the system voltage profile as well as it ensures the proper voltages at the distribution levels. As the voltage is a local phenomenon, it is prudent to control the bus voltages by providing reactive power resources locally, rather than making it to flow through the Grid. Various options like reactive power control by Generators, Reactor/Capacitor switching, EHV Line switching, HVDC power order adjustment, etc. are being explored by the system operator to control the grid voltage within the band stipulated by regulations.

This paper gives a brief overview of the transmission level voltage profile of North-Eastern Regional Grid and analysis is done on the characteristics of the voltage profile including graphical representation of voltage data Energy (MU) throughout the year. The present processes and practices adopted by the operators to control the transmission level voltage and the effect of those methods on other aspects of the system are discussed. Other practices that may be adopted for voltage control by doing possible improvement in existing resources in the region is suggested.



IEGC, HVDC, Power order, Low fault level, AVR, RPC, Synchronous Condenser, FACTS, SVC, STATCOM.


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