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International Journal of Information Science and Computing
Year : 2015, Volume : 2, Issue : 2
First page : ( 49) Last page : ( 56)
Print ISSN : 2348-7437. Online ISSN : 2454-9533.

Knowledge management a gate way to analyze effective organizational performance

Gowtham S.*, Thangaraja T.

Lecturer, Vinayaka Missions University Paiyanoor Campus (AVIT)

*Corresponding author: gowthamnaam@yahoo.in

Online published on 16 May, 2016.


The study on the knowledge management process in audco India limited at Chennai. The project is done by means of analyzing the knowledge management process adopted by the concern and also the conversion process involved in the organization. The further step is preparation of questionnaire according to the purpose of the study. The individual point of view is collected and distributed to samples based on the sample size. The area of improvement is hypothetically analyzed based on the results and the area of lacking is found. The nature and the source of the problem is identified from it. The collected data is analyzed using the statistical tools in order to give accurate results. The final stage is to give suggestions where further improvements can be made in the area of knowledge management which will help for the organisation.



Knowledge, Effectiveness, KM process, Organizations, Dissemination and Competitive Advantage.



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