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TNNMC Journal of Pediatric Nursing
Year : 2018, Volume : 6, Issue : 1
First page : ( 4) Last page : ( 6)
Print ISSN : 2322-0279. Online ISSN : 2456-6497.

Effectiveness of risk management program on knowledge and practice on medication error among pediatric staff nurses

Mrs. Mary Zealous1, Dr. Kamaraj Padmavathi2, Dr. Rachel Rosaline3

1Professor, MMM College of Nursing, Chennai

2Vice principal, MMM College of Nursing, Chennai

3Principal, MMM College of Nursing, Chennai

Online published on 4 December, 2018.


A pre experimental study was done to assess the effectiveness of risk management program on knowledge and practice on medication error among pediatric staff nurses using quantitative approach with one group pretest and posttest research design. Thirty samples were selected by non-probability convenient sampling technique at selected Hospital, Chennai. A structured questionnaire and an observational check list were used to assess the knowledge andpractice. The findings revealed that mean score of knowledge was 10.6 with standard deviation (SD) of 2.26 and 19.4 with SD of 3.14 in pre and posttest respectively. The mean score of practice was 6.2 with SD of 2.27 and 17.4 with SD of 2.06 in pre and posttest respectively. The calculated't ’test value for knowledge was t=12.5 and t=19.57 for practice at p<0.05 level which indicated that there was statistically significant difference between pre and posttest level of knowledge and practice.



Medication Error, Knowledge, Practice, Staff Nurse, Risk Management Program.


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