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Indian Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology
Year : 2015, Volume : 2, Issue : 1
First page : ( 1) Last page : ( 5)
Print ISSN : 2393-9079. Online ISSN : 2393-9087.

A quantitative structure activity relationship study of Azole derivatives with antifungal activity

Katte Mallikarjun B1Lecturer, Ratnakar Jagadishchandra S1,*Assistant Professor, Banerjee Lopamudra2Professor

1Dept of Pharmacology, Belgaum Institute of Medical Sciences, Belgaum, Karnataka, India

2Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Dr. H.S. Gour University, Sagar, Madya Pradesh, India

*Corresponding Author.

Online published on 16 April, 2015.


It was reported that some 3-amino 2-aryl-1-azolyl-2-butanol have antifungal effects. To understand the structural basis for antifungal activity and guide in the design of more potent agents, we performed quantitative structure activity. The Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) values of 3-amino-2-aryl-1-azolyl-2-butanol on yeast exhibited a strong correlation with the prediction made by the model developed in the present study. The statistical results of the Training Set, Regression coefficient r (0.841648) and r2 (0.708371) values gave reliability to the prediction of inhibitory activity of a series of Azole derivatives.



Anti-fungal, Azole, Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship.


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