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Year : 2015, Volume : 6, Issue : 1
First page : ( 1) Last page : ( 9)
Print ISSN : 0975-8070. Online ISSN : 0975-8089. Published online : 2015  1.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0975-8089.2015.00006.8

An Introduction to the Recursion Theory Framework for DNA-Based Applications in Bio-Molecular Computing and Information Processing Using the (HOL) Higher Order Logic System 1

Kumar (Nirmal) D.N.T.1,*, Bueno Carolina C.2, Rosa Andre Henrique3

1Researchers,GEA-UNESP, Sorocaba Campus, SP, Brazil

2Researchers,GEA-UNESP, Sorocaba Campus, SP, Brazil

3Director/Executive Coordinator, GEA-UNESP, Sorocaba Campus, SP, Brazil

*(*Corresponding author) Email id: hmfg2014@gmail.com


This nano-bio informatics introductory framework note describes the use of the function package, which provides general recursive function denitions for Isabelle/HOL. We start with very simple DNA sequencingbased examples and then gradually illustrate a way to move onto more advanced information processing topics to deal with even more promising nano-bio-information processing platforms for the future applications, like bio-chemical formalisms and computing.



Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Informatics, HOL-higher order logic, theorem proving, Algorithms, Computational Paradigms, Theory of Computability.


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