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Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management
Year : 2012, Volume : 2, Issue : 1
First page : ( 1) Last page : ( 12)
Online ISSN : 2249–7307.

Effectiveness of mobile marketing over various traditional media channels

Verma Arpit, Management Student, Dr Nema Geeta, Reader

IIPS (D.A.V.V.), Indore.

Online published on 10 January, 2012.


Mobile marketing involves communicating with the customer via cellular (mobile) device, either to send a simple text message or to introduce them to a link which is redirected to the specific campaign. It can reach the customers anywhere anytime. In order to promote the selling of products or services, all the activities required to market the product with the use of mobile devices. The present study attempts to understand the effectiveness of mobile marketing in comparison to the traditional media channels on certain parameters such as: Awareness, Ubiquity, Communicative, Annoying, etc. The primary objective of the study is to gain an insight into the perception of mobile users towards mobile marketing and their effectiveness in terms of impact on purchase decision. Hence, this study aims at studying comparison of mobile media marketing with the traditional marketing media in a view to explore consumers’ responsiveness to mobile marketing, taking into consideration all the demographic factors. Study concluded on the findings that attempted to make an impact on the perception of marketers towards the mobile marketing. The study also aims at defining the constructs that are vital in the mobile marketing so as to take strategic use of them.



Mobile Marketing, Traditional Media channels, Purchase decision.



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